Leading the next generation of custom software solutions.

At Next Version Systems we’ve been developing cutting edge applications since the earliest days of .NET. That includes enterprise level apps, such as one that helped a healthcare company grow from $60 million to over $600 million in five years, and another app that pioneered software-as-a-service with a WPF front end. You can check out our Clients page to see some of the work we’ve done over the years.

These days, we’re working on systems with advanced user interfaces in the Universal Windows Platform for Windows 10, Windows Presentation Foundation for all versions of Windows, iOS, and various advanced web technologies. You might want to use us to design and prototype a really sweet UI in those technologies, or you might want us to help you do the whole end-to-end shebang.

We also specialize in complex, highly configurable, scalable, rules-based systems. So if your business is really complicated and highly dynamic, we’re good folks to know.

Now, we’re not a typical consulting company looking to grow to hundreds of developers. We are a small shop of under 10 high-end developers, and we like it that way. We focus on delivering extraordinary value, often by leading teams of client personnel in the development project.

We love developing software that propels businesses forward, so we are always looking for great clients to work with.  Also, we can give you top-notch training on XAML platforms including WPF and UWP, and on UX/UI design

Design (UX/UI)


.Net Development


WPF & UWP apps






AngularJS development




iOS development


One of the best decisions we ever made was choosing Next Version Systems.

Former client and Healthcare Industry CIO